If you are interested in a volunteer opportunity that will help you gain tax preparation experience and help out the community, you may be interested in the Weatherhead Tax Assistance Program.
There will be a Tax Law review session on Monday January 31st in Weatherhead room 118 from 6-8PM for any volunteers who want to strengthen their tax knowledge.
Please check http://weatherhead.case.edu/tap/ on a weekly basis, as open volunteer dates will be posted every Friday for the following week.
The Weatherhead Tax Assistance Program (TAP) was founded in 2002 by two MBA students. In January, students are trained to complete tax returns for individuals with less than $35,000 of income. Then, throughout the filing season, students visit various sites around Cleveland to help low-income taxpayers prepare their taxes and ensure that the taxpayers are receiving all of the tax credits they are entitled to, including the earned income tax credit, which is considered one of the best anti-poverty programs in America.
Added by davekaminski on January 6, 2006