In the 4th year of creating a 5-day festival of independent South Asian films for Seattle, Tasveer reaffirms its commitment to strengthening community roots with initiatives for South Asians in Seattle and throughout the South Asian diaspora. Join Tasveer as we look at the present state of women's rights in Afghanistan, interfaith dialogue in Pakistan, a bioscopewallah’s sojourn in India , a hijra in Mumbai celebrating her life, a man's solitary journey to a remote Tibet summit , and many other thought-provoking and inspiring stories.
ISAFF will open with Pakistani Band Junoon fame musician, filmmaker and peace activist, Salman Ahmed and close with 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama, an exceptional film on the Dalai Lama. Most of the programs will have post-film discussions, some with the filmmakers. A Documentary Workshop 101 will be presented at the festival.
Admission is FREE (Donations Accepted)
More Info:
Film Schedule:
FaceBook/MySpace/Orkut: search for ISAFF
Official Website:
Added by hims on September 13, 2007