4th Annual “Taste of Oakdale” on Tuesday, August 28th, 5PM – 8PM at the Gene Bianchi Community Center, 110 S. Second Ave., Oakdale. Purchase your tickets in Oakdale at: Bank of the West, Oak Valley Community Bank, Oakdale Chamber of Commerce (via credit card), Oakdale Leader, and Valley First Credit Union. Cost is $25 per person or purchase 8 for $180 ($22.50 per person), $35 at the door. Be a part of the 300+ patrons that come to taste a great variety of delicious foods and beverages (alcohol and alcohol free): Bakery, Delicatessen, Fine Dining, Italian, Mexican, beverages, beers, wines, and spirits. Check our website http://www.oakdalechamber.com/events-visitors#taste_of_oakdale for current vendors. There will also be cooking demos and great raffle prizes! Sponsor Ops still available. Contact the Oakdale Chamber for more information.
Added by rosegator72 on July 24, 2012