Learn to use the tarot as a pimary magical tool for centering, cleansing, creating sacred space, meditation, ritual, connecting with Deity, sacred divination, spell work and more. While this class is designed as a series where each class builds on previous classes, students with a strong background in Wicca may be accepted for individual classes with prior teacher approval.Class fee is $25/class or $175 pre-paid for the full series. Recommended reading: Tarot Spells by Janina Renee, Tarot for all Seasons by Christine Jette, and Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak. To register, please call Isis Books & Gifts at 303-761-8627 or instructor Emily K.Jones at 303-807-9409. You can also register via email at ekatjones@yahoo.com.
Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com
Added by Isis Books and Gifts on August 10, 2009