660 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15228

Tapping Into Theology is a bi-weekly casual, down-to-earth, open-format discussion of theological concepts that touch our everyday lives. Join us on Tuesday, November 11, at 7:45 p.m. at Molly Brannigan’s for a discussion on "Is Christianity the 'only Way' to Heaven?"

What about other religions? Is everyone who isn’t a Christian going to hell? Why does the New Testament make exclusive claims about being the only way? Are we arrogant to think that we’re the only ones to have the right understanding of God?

Join us. In the Kilkenny Room.

Moderated by Frank Stricklen and Matt Caldwell

Who are the moderators?

Official Website: http://www.spchurch.org/frank-profile.pdf

Added by artsinpa on October 21, 2008

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