317 Kit Carson Rd
Taos, New Mexico 87571

Opera on the Lawn
Concert 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Seating Begin at 5:30pm
Tickets Prices to the Public
VIP Seating (approx 40pp) $25 cocktailing and ability to order off the Bar Menu
Lawn Seating $15 Cash Bar/Blankets and Chairs Available to EMS guests.
Box Seating 400 Building Packages Built
Tonight you will get the chance to see the 2009 group from the Taos Opera Institute (TOI) performing. Don’t miss these performances throughout the month of June.
For picnic reservations call El Monte Sagrado at 888 445 -3566
Taos Ski Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information on this nights performance. 575-776-1413
Or view the Event Calendar at www.taosskivalley.com
View 2008 Students on You tube

Official Website: http://www.taosskivalley.com/events_and_calendars/tsv_calendar_of_events/

Added by tsvchamber on May 22, 2009