4522 Baltimore Ave
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143

We often learn finding and keeping relationships from our parents and culture in which we were raised – but higher knowledge is not taught to us – we only learn by limited example. And these patterns are not often creating the ideal state of union.

Drawing from ancient wisdom and spiritual practices that have been transmitted for centuries, and using the innate truth of how energy works differently in men and women, we can learn the dynamics of attraction of the opposite sex and keeping a relationship growing to higher levels and into a more beautiful and harmonious state.

Our potential in relationships is not the mundane, but the extraordinary.

We are entering into a new age of relationships, the Age of Aquarius: where the dynamics and definitions of a relationship will change and the universal principles of the feminine and masculine divine so that everyone, who is willing or chooses, can experience the highest principles of the development, empowerment, connection and bliss within their relationships.

Tantra is a path of development for all the energies of life: health, prosperity as well as relationships. Through these practices, all the energetic levels of the body, emotions and the mind can be cleansed, healed, developed and empowered.

Through development of the inner state and consciousness, many of these internal changes begin to be reflected in our external world. We see our relationships become inspired and elevated, our health and vitality restored, and blocks, which kept us from materializing our greatest potentials, begin to open and we experience abundance in our lives.

Through the practice of tantra – we become capable of exploring, experiencing and ultimately becoming the energy, power and bliss of the universe.

After achieving many successes in the business world as a lawyer, Master Stella observed that many people did not have happiness and harmony in their business relationships: that there were hereditary (karmic) problems that people were unable to overcome. These problems led to divorces, stealing, rape, murder and more. Social laws were not solving the problems.

She began to look at the deeper issues underlying problems of both her clients, and humanity, and started to look for true solutions to the suffering she witnessed. Her search led her to the sacred places of Altai, where the secrets of natural and cosmic laws were revealed to her - laws above social and judicial laws. She learned of the laws that govern all processes on earth.

Using the knowledge, Stella has helped hundreds of thousands of people, from many different countries, to find harmony in their relationships, to be free of loneliness, to recover their beauty and vitality, to become more youthful both physically and in spirit, and to achieve financial independence.

She is a master of “Aharata” (school of energetic martial arts and psychological protection), Shamanism, Tantra, & The Art of Goddess (liberating the feminine essence – Shakti – and restoring youth, beauty, health and empowerments to fully realize the potential of the feminine self).

A direct student of her enlightened Teacher, Alid Faske Natva, she has received the highest direct initiation in healing and is working with the deepest health, emotional and psychological issues and is achieving remediation and cure of many “incurable” diseases.

Master Stella will be offering diagnostics and consultations which offer insight into your past issues (past lives and how they effect this current life) how karma is effecting your choices, behaviors and thoughts & what are your gifts to be manifested in this time and how to manifest them. She will also be doing healings.

Personal Consultations:
Master Stella will conduct personal consultations and diagnostics for those of us, and our friends, who would like to know more about our destiny and for those have issues that need to be resolved. For appointments, please call Joshua @ 302 250 9458 to arrange for an appointment. If you know of anyone who could benefit from understanding their purpose, opening to self-knowledge or wants to deepen their spiritual path, please invite them to call. Master Stella is available Thursday and Friday.

Also if you have a space for Master Stella and her translator to stay overnight in Philadelphia please contact me.

Added by RadiantMoment on September 5, 2010

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