Entertaining...Humorous... Bold... Enlightening...
Enjoy an evening of entertaining theater and stimulating performance with Kamala Devi's Tantra Theater Mentor:Freddy Zental Weaver
You are invited to "TantraNova Man: An Experiential Show" to experience Freddy Zental's unique style of story telling, drumming, singing and dance as he lays down his path in life through TantraNova and how it works for him.
Friday April 17, 2008 6:45pm to 8:15pm
Tickets: $15 per person
Please Pre-register Space is limited and we often fill up.
Call: 858-272-2254 T-Th www.PartnerPlayshop.com
Organized by Kamala DeviKamala Devi is a Bliss Coach, Author of Don't Drink the Punch:An
adventure in Tantra, and Sacred Sexual Healing. For more info call:
858-272-2254 or visit
Ticket Info: Tantra Nova Man, $15.99
Official Website: http://tantranovaman-upcoming.eventbrite.com