Tall Grass Prairie Preserve / Z-Bar RanchPhoto Excursion 2009
This is our2nd annualPhoto Excursion to the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve and the Z-Bar Ranch (a.k.a. the Spring Hill Ranch).
Located in the middle of the Flint Hills this ranch dates back to the late 1800's and is a fantastic piece of Kansas History. We will be making a variety of stopsalong the way to enjoy various sites in and around theFlint Hills as we travel to and from this great National Landmark and Nature Preserve.
Some of the many places that we are likely to visit include;
Cottonwood Falls. Lower Fox Creek School.Strong City. Cedar Point. Diamond Creek Bridge. Clements Double Arch StoneBridge. Elmdale. Wonsevu. Matfield Green.
These trips are a lot of fun and great adventures, the perfect weekend getaway. The Flint Hills of Kansas are a living and changing landscape that opens itself up for more and more exploration endlessly. We'll travel through places that are very familiar to me, yet new to me on every visit. After 15(+) years of exploring this part of Kansas, I feel like I've just begun to know it. I'm not going to lock us into a specific set of target locations, but instead we will head out to wherever I think it will be a good day of shooting. The schedule is not planned to be but could turn into a 12-hour day or more. My plan is to take people to the places that I like to go and give them the opportunity to appreciate them too. We may even discover some new places together. Weather permitting we'll also vist the inside of the Lower Fox Creek School (pictured below), a beautiful one-room schoolhouse that was built in conjunction with and adjacent to the Spring Hill Ranch.
You'll need to be prepared for weather extremes, and keep and eye on the weather the week prior to the trip. Wear sturdy shoes that give your feet and ankles plenty of support. Although you can stay at the vehicle for many shots, you'll want to get out around some of these areas for the best angles.
I'll supplybreakfast, lunch, dinner,drinking water and snacks for our trip. If you desire coffee or pop, you'll have to bring your own because we may be many miles from any stores for hours at a time. We will also be taking a bus tour through the National Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.
You need to be sure that your batteries are charged and you've got plenty of extra batteries and memory cards or film. It would not be at all surprising for somebody to take over 300 shots on one of these trips.
The exact route & schedule is always "To Be Determined". The trip will depart in the early morning as posted in this listing, but we will be back whenever we make it back. We might travel 150 miles for the day, or we might travel 350 miles (the 2008 trip was 219 miles), depending on the weather, the route and the shooting we decide to do.
Organized by J R Cowell ImagesJeff Cowellusphotographers.com316-771-7509 Providing photographic education opportunities.Photography SeminarsPhotography ClassesPhotography WorkshopsPhotography Field TripsPhoto ExcursionsOne-on-One Tutoring
Ticket Info: - Members - usphotographers.com, $123.00
- Student of Jeff Cowell Seminars and Classes, $133.25
- Standard Rate, $148.62
Official Website: http://tallgrass2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com