Is SOL and other standardized testing monopolizing too much of students’ instructional time? Is it affecting the content of what is being taught—and processes by which students learn?
Richmond Teachers for Social Justice will sponsor a public discussion on high stakes standardized testing on Saturday, May 19, from 3-5 p.m. The program will be held at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 3602 Hawthorne Ave. The program is open to the public and all are welcome. This event will give students, parents, educators and policy makers the opportunity to share their views on the value or misuse of standardized testing in Virginia’s public schools..
The program will start with a brief panel discussion; the remainder of the event will offer participants the opportunity to discuss their own experiences with standardized testing in the schools, and to brainstorm ways to address problems with the Commonwealth’s current system of high-stakes testing.
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Added by RVATSJ on May 7, 2012