The Reverend Chloe Breyer, an Episcopal priest and Executive Director of the Interfaith Center of New York, will speak at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of East Hampton on Saturday, December 11 at 4 p.m. She will discuss her critically acclaimed books: The Close: A Young Woman's First Year at Seminary and Challenging the Christian Right From the Heart of the Gospel. She will also speak about her work of bringing people of different faiths together to overcome their differences. Reverend Breyer’s talk, sponsored by the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Education Committee, is free and open to the public.
As director of the Interfaith Center, she undertook an interfaith initiative to rebuild a bombed mosque in Afghanistan and has returned four times for additional faith-based aid projects, including a women’s health clinic and a co-ed school. Breyer worked with the US Campaign for the Millennium Development Goals to raise awareness of their efforts – in ending poverty and hunger, combating HIV and AIDS, universal education, gender equality, child and maternal health, environmental sustainability and global partnership – among American religious leaders of different faith traditions. For further information, please call (631) 329-0990.
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Added by WordHamptonPR on December 2, 2010