The talk is on Flex & Spring integration with Spring BlazeDS
In this free tech talk at the Adobe RIA user group, Rick Evans will introduce Spring BlazeDS Integration.
Spring BlazeDS Integration is a Spring Portfolio project that makes it easier to build Rich Internet Applications for the enterprise using Flex and Spring. Integrating the powerful remoting and messaging features of Adobe BlazeDS with the familiar Spring programming model, Spring BlazeDS Integration is a great jumping-on point for Java developers looking to front Spring-based server-side enterprise applications with rich and polished Flex front-ends on the client.
Some previous exposure to Spring and Flex is best if you want to get maximum benefit from the talk.
GROUP: Adobe RIA User Group
WHO: Rick Evans
WHAT: Flex and Spring Integration:Introducing Spring BlazeDS Integration
WHERE: The Skills Matter eXchange, London
WHEN: 17 Feb 2010 Starts at 18:30
COST: FREE for registered participants
Official Website:
Added by SkillsMatter on January 26, 2010