700 W 6th St
Austin, Texas 78701

THE ANNUAL 'TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY' CELEBRATION HONORS the international phenom inspired by a couple of guys from Corvalis, Oregon when a racquetball court injury in 1995 resulted in an outburst of ‘Aaarrr!’. September 19 was chosen because it was one of their ex-wife’s birthdays, a day they could remember. One only has to google the term to learn of its international popularity to bust out the face of a pirate and growl “shiver me timbers”.

Sat Sep 19, ALL DAY - 12am
Opal Divine's Freehouse, downtown
Jolly Garogers Pirate Band
$300 in prizes: $150 best 'Wanton Winch' | $150 best Pirate - costume & talk

ALL DAY - $3 Shinaarrgh Bocks and Maarrghritas
LIVE PIRATE BAND - The Jolly Garogers 9pm – midnight
COSTUME CONTEST for Best Pirate & Best Wench with $300 in prize ($150ea).

OPAL DIVINE'S 5TH ANNUAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY CELEBRATION is the finest in Austin. This opportunity for everyone to dress like a pirate, party like a pirate, and talk like a pirate will be captain’d by Austin’s best pirate band, The Jolly Garogers (JollyGarogers.com).

THE HOLIDAY earned international exposure in 2002 when John Baur and Mark Summers of Corvalis, OR (the racquetball guys) wrote a letter to American humorist columnist Dave Barry about the holiday they had created. Dave Barry liked the idea, promoted it, and it rapidly caught on throughout America and the world giving liberty to otherwise normal folks to talk like a pirate.

THE ORIGINATORS of the holiday have made appearances with local and national media including NPR, Jeopardy, and ABC’s Wife Swap. The holiday has been recognized by notables such as Jimmy Buffet, Al Roker, Craig Ferguson, Fox & Friends (Fox News), Reuters News of the Weird, PC Magazine, The Cartoon Network, History Channel, and Readers Digest. It is also accepted as a holiday by The Sims 2 game, Neopets Neoboards, and role-playing games such as Kingdom of Loathing and other Adventure Quest games.


OPAL DIVINE'S is dedicated to providing the finest beers, spirits, and cocktails available. We press real fruit for juice, muddle with real ingredients & shake it like a rock star when we need foam. No corn syrups or artificial flavors are used in the preparation of our cocktails or mixes. We want to make sure that... "It's Worth it at Opal Divine's".

OPAL DIVINE'S AUSTIN GRILL is a collective of three restaurants:
NORTH: Marina. 12709 Mopac at Parmer Ln. (512)733-5353
DOWNTOWN: Freehouse. 700 W 6th St. (512)477-3308
SOUTH: Penn Field. 3601 S. Congress. (512) 707-0237

Official Website: http://OpalDivines.com

Added by barenakedfamily on September 15, 2009

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