736 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94103

Musical legend and San Francisco native Johnny Mathis, who grew up listening to Jewish melodies in local synagogues, will make a special appearance at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in celebration of the current exhibition Black Sabbath: The Secret Musical History of Black-Jewish Relations. It was Mathis’ 1958 recording of “Kol Nidre,” the Aramaic prayer intoned at the beginning of Yom Kippur, which inspired the idea for the exhibition.
Although Mr. Mathis will not sing, he will reflect on his life in music, and will receive special awards for his contributions to the musical life of San Francisco. The evening also includes a conversation among exhibition curators about the history of Black-Jewish musical collaboration.

INFORMATION: www.thecjm.org, info@thecjm.org or call 415.655.7800.

Added by jewishmuseumsf on January 10, 2011

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