668 Amsterdam Avenue (92nd - 93rd Sts)
New York, New York 10025

Talia's annual Nine Day Menu has become increasingly popular over the last seven years as more and more people "learn" that Talia's Steakhouse has the ability to become a great Fish House with an enhanced selection of fish.

During the Nine Days, from July 12 through Tisha b'Av on July 19, Jews observe a period of mourning which includes abstaining from meat and wine.
Talia's undertook an extensive, vigorous preparation to convert part of its kitchen for fish and pasta dinners to accommodate this restriction.

However, our regular meat menu will be also available during the 9 Days Menu.

Check it out here: http://www.taliassteakhouse.com/specialmenu3.html .

Call now! (212) 580-3770

Talia's Steakhouse
668 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025

Official Website: http://www.taliassteakhouse.com/specialmenu3.html

Added by taliassteakhouse on July 11, 2010

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