Join us for an evening of networking and learning how to Take Your Presentations to the Next Level.
Julie Plush will be sharing with us "Taking Your Presentation to the Next Level"
where you will learn:
1. Tips on Overcoming Fear
2. Essential Elements of a Good Presentation
3. A Good Delivery
Julie Plush is a native Washingtonian and established Next Level Consulting in 2000. Julie is a professional trainer, speaker, author, and event host with over 10 years of experience on stage and in front of the camera. Julie is a member of the Professional Women Network, Louisville, KY and longtime member and officer in Toastmasters International. If you are afraid of public speaking, want to take your presentations to the next level, want people to ask you back to their event, learn how to be a star on stage, Julie provides coaching sessions to get you to where you want to be. You will also want to purchase her book entitled Speak Up! Successful Public Speaking Without Fear to become a more confident and well-prepared speaker in any situation. In addition to presentation skills training, Julie offers training in the following areas for you or your company: Customer Service, The Professional Woman, Assertiveness, Diversity, and Emergency Preparedness. Julie has been in movies and television such as Die Hard 4 and ABC's The View. Julie currently co-hosts her on own television talk show entitled "Life Matters" on DCTV Cable in January 2009.
Thursday April 2, 2009
Seven Springs Village Clubhouse
9310 Cherry Hill Road
College Park, MD 20740
For more information call (301)351-7586
Sponsored by:
A Woman in Business
Heavenly Events
Millies Accessories
T.B.A.G Caterers
Organized by A Woman in BusinessAWomaninBusiness.com helps women to start and build successful businesses using the internet through wholesale retail distribution, business education workshops, marketing and networking events.
Ticket Info: Taking Your Presentation to the Next Level, $10.99
Official Website: http://publicspeakinghowto-upcoming.eventbrite.com