TaKeTiNa Rhythm Meditation awakens your human potential.
- Stress Reduction
- Self Awareness and Inner Silence
- Integration of Mind and Body
- Synchronization of Brain Hemispheres
- Increased Creativity and Intuition
Why Should I do TaKeTiNa?
TaKeTiNa brings your body, brain, and nervous system to a profound place of relaxation and balance. Chronobiological research, presented at the Music University of Vienna, reveals that TaKeTiNa is able to stimulate the same brain frequencies that occur during a really good night's sleep, or deep meditation. Additional evidence suggests that TaKeTiNa increases brain hemisphere synchronization by 100% - in a two-hour period. [ Source: http://www.taketina.com/?Research_Chronobiologie ]
On a personal level, TaKeTiNa is a rhythm community experience that invites you to participate in a coherent field of flowing energy. Experiencing this "flow" is the most direct route to discover and dissolve your thinking patterns. Learning to "go with the flow" becomes an endless source of freshness and vitality for your life.
No previous experience is necessary. The rhythms explored in TaKeTiNa are natural rhythms that already exist in the human body.
Come experience yourself and others in a new, and refreshing way. Register Today.
Official Website: http://rhythminaction.com/content/dec-12-rhythm-meditation-body-brain
Added by FullCalendar on December 4, 2009