Over the course of only 3 days experience a profound encounter with yourself through rhythm.
What is TaKeTiNa?
TaKeTiNa is a group rhythmic process that creates bonding and team building. TaKeTiNa as an interactive process powerfully facilitates the presence of here and now where you are your own teacher - you realize it's necessary to make mistakes so that you may learn at a deeper level - it illuminates patterns and thoughts that are counterproductive to your/the true goal - it's a process for learning and learning about learning - you become simultaneously aware rather than multi-tasking, meaning you can be fully present to each thing you are doing thus creating better results.
Learn how to be in the moment, accept that you are in your own timing, be in control of your own learning, eliminate stress and anxiety, and reconnect deeply with yourself. Imagine finding a center point of stillness that you can return to whenever you want, letting go of fears, anxiety, stress, judgement, and stagnation. Stimulate your creativity so that you can change your life, deepen your relationship with yourself, and improve your relationships with others.
TaKeTiNa utilizes sight, sound, and movement to activate human and musical potential through rhythm. Participants in a TaKeTiNa circle are guided via call and response and the pulse of a surdo drum through a series of steps, claps, and songs. This process induces a flux between two states: being IN rhythm and being OUT of rhythm. Each time TaKeTiNa participants find their way back to the basic pulse and fall back in rhythm, they experience rhythm at a more profound and intense level.
TaKeTiNa looks like it's just about clapping and stepping, but it's something much, much deeper; it's learning how to flow with the ever-changing rhythm of life.
Discover how music is at the core of your being and how by connecting with this music within can bring you happiness, balance, and a sense of connection to others.
Official Website: http://taketinadfw1.eventbrite.com/#
Added by FullCalendar on November 11, 2012