1399 Johnston Street, Granville Island
Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 3R9

Emily Carr University's studioshop, an online shop featuring the work of faculty, alumni, students and staff, will host its first live Take Away show and sale.

The scope of work involved in the Take Away show and sale includes textiles, ceramics, paintings, prints, photographs, CD's, notebooks, baby items and much more.

This rare opportunity to buy work from both established and emerging artists should not be missed. Works featured cost less than $600 and start as low as $29. The Take Away show and sale - where you can see work - buy it - take it home with you!

Everyone is welcome - admission is free.

WHEN: Friday, July 4, 2008
TIME: 6pm-9pm
WHEN: Saturday, July 5, 2008
TIME: 11am-6pm
WHERE: Concourse Gallery, North Building
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
1399 Johnston ST, Granville Island

See it, love it, buy it, take it home today!

Official Website: http://www.eciadstudioshop.ca

Added by Emily Carr University of Art and on June 23, 2008