On Saturday, March 28, 2009, The Volunteer McKinney Center and The Heard will present “Take a Hike! For your Community.” Our goal is to bring together many non-profits with one fundraiser and encourage our community to connect with these local non-profits and discover the beauty of nature right in their own backyard.

Hikers will not only enjoy the Heard nature trails on a beautiful spring day, but also a fun event that includes breakfast, a free t-shirt, a chance to win door prizes, and special activities like kite-making and flying in the Heard meadow. More details coming soon at www.heardmuseum.org.

Registration is only $20 per person ($5 per child ages 3 - 12) with proceeds benefiting the non-profit of choice, The Heard, and The Volunteer McKinney Center.

Official Website: http://www.heardmuseum.org

Added by heard_marketingassistant on October 30, 2008

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