1 Science Park
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Use your senses like a scientist to better observe the world.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 14, 2010



*thinking about setting up lifecamp for MSP*

Should I build on the existing lifecamp wiki (like how barcamp tookoff?) or setup my own?


dydimustk -- please build on the existing lifecamp wiki (http://lifecamp.pbwiki.com/). Good luck!


I participated in a MasterMind group for a couple of years and found it very useful and have been missing it lately. Are new participants welcome at the quarterly check-in meetings?


ErinC - we're trying to keep the group small/consistent, but you are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to start up an additional LifeCamp group. I love to hear about more LifeCamps, so let me know if you decide to do this!


Hi Juliette,

I'm a french friend of Tara and Chris. I will be in SF this very sunday. May I join for once so I can participate, learn a lot and then replicate a LifeCamp in Paris, France ?


Hi Jean Christophe, I pinged Chris and Tara and one of them will be in touch with you. Good to hear that LifeCamp might cross the Atlantic!


Hi JeanChristophe. One of the ideas of the LifeCamp Quarterlies is to bring back a consistent group of folks to do "check ins" with folks that you started off the year with... this way we can gauge progress against other folks with whom we shared earlier hopes and aspirations.

I don't think that it'd be a problem for you to come and to see how we organize the event, so long as you keep in mind that specific aspect of the event. ;)


Hey everyone... (Hi Silona!) -- this kind of gathering is exactly what I'm looking for. Any chance of joining this group or did it solidify already with the end-of-year lifecamp in '07?


Hi Tracy, the group that met in 07 is solidified, but you can start your own! Feel free to add organizing info to lifecamp.pbwiki.com.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to downgrade to watching. It's my son's 15th birthday that day and he wants to have a group of friends over to play XBox and order pizza. I should probably be around to supervise. ;)


so sad new job and all. I will be there for the next one!!


Thanks for your message, Chris. Can one of the attendees send me the location, plz ? This is my first trip to SF and I feel kind of lost :)

@msrogue: happy b'day to the Taddyman !


wish i could be there. too much going on with kids and whatnot, hopefully june!