1500 Lizzie Street
San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Join us for fitness and fun! Tai Chi Chuan is an ancient martial art and exercise system that is practiced worldwide for its health benefits. Tai Chi improves balance, strength, coordination and circulation as it relieves stress and promotes calmness. In this class we will learn the 24-movement Yang style, widely practiced in China and the U.S. Classes will include Tai Chi warm-up exercises, instruction in postures and ongoing discussion of Chinese philosophical principles embodied in the Tai Chi form. Rose Chao is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, who has studied and taught Tai Chi and Qi Gong for many years. Visitors welcome. Register for section #090103) at the San Luis Coastal Adult School, http://ae.slcusd.org, or call 549-1222.

Added by andrew_schneider on September 3, 2010