Event @ the World Affairs Council, 05/27
“Tactics of Hope: How Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing Our World”
Who: Wilford Welch, Author, Tactics of Hope: How Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing Our World; Priya Haji, CEO & Co-Founder, World of Good, Inc.; David Hopkins, Former Director, International Affairs Center of the Roosevelt Institution, Middlebury College
Event: A hundred years from now, people will look back at this time, and realize that it marked the beginning of a dramatic shift in human consciousness regarding our social and environmental actions on earth. In Tactics of Hope, Wilford Welch and David Hopkins highlight the initiatives of twenty-seven social entrepreneurs who have identified solutions to alleviate the plight of the extreme poor and to restore the environment. Welch and Hopkins will be joined by one of the entrepreneurs featured in the book, Priya Haji, CEO & Co-Founder of World of Good,Inc., a company which buys and sells fair trade crafts. The program will be an interactive evening for participants to discuss strategies and tactics that can transform personal concerns into concrete actions. This event is limited to students and young professionals with no more than 5 years of working experience.
When: Tuesday, May 27; Registration: 5:30pm; Program: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Where: World Affairs Council, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 312 Sutter St. San Francisco
Admission Costs: FREE; Reservations required.
Info: 415.293.4600; info@wacsf.org;
Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/
Added by wacsf on April 25, 2008
Just called WAC. This event is full.