4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90027

The drumbeat only gets worse: news job losses everywhere. But the Press Club, committed to helping journalists through the crisis, is going to spot the journalism jobs of the future -- online, radio, TV, trade magazine or yes, even newspapers. Whether you're mid-career or just starting out, you can't afford to miss this panel discussion. Come and network!

Moderator Ezra Palmer, former managing editor at Yahoo! News and a founding editor of WSJ.com, will be joined by…

--Nick Roman, managing editor of 89.3 KPCC News/NPR

--Seth Lubove, Los Angeles bureau chief for Bloomberg News

--Susan Denley, director of Editorial Hiring and Development, Los Angeles Times

COST: Open to everyone; bring a friend! Free to members and students, $10 for non-members with prepaid RSVP and $15 at the door. Refreshments included. Or become a member at a discounted rate and get in for free.

RSVP: rsvp@lapressclub.org or 323-669-8081

Official Website: http://lapressclub.org

Added by Los Angeles Press Club on May 5, 2008