PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER:All Spin Your Wheels cyclists must have a signed disclaimer in order to participate in the ride. A bib number will not be issued to the cyclist until a disclaimer has been signed by the cyclist or guardian of a minor. A minor is defined as an individual 18 years of age or younger. By completing this registration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the disclaimer and bicycle tour.
I know that I am participating in an event that is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and ride unless I am medically able and properly trained. I know there will be a probability of traffic on the route. I assume the risk of participating in traffic. I also assume any and all other risks associated with participating in this event including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other riders, the effects of weather, and the condition of the roads. All such risks are known to me. Furthermore, I agree to yield to all emergency vehicles. I am fully aware that animals and headphones are strictly prohibited, and I agree not to have them on the course. I also agree not to go back out on the course after finishing. Knowing these facts, and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself, heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, agree not to sue, and unconditionally indemnify, hold harmless, waive, release, and discharge The Childrens Center and any and all tour sponsors, race officials, volunteers, and local and state police, including any and all of their agents, employees, or anyone else acting on their behalf, from and against any and all claims of liability, death, personal injury or property damage of any kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown, by myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, or third parties arising in connection or as a result of my participation. I further grant full permission to sponsors and/or any agents authorized by them to use any photographs, video tapes, or any other record of this event for any purpose. Applications for minors will be accepted only with parent or guardians signature.
Registration bags with bib numbers will be availablethe week of August3rd at The Children's Center between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. To pick up registration bags please enter through the North doors off of 39th Street and directional signs will guide you to pick up your bags. You may also pick up registration bags on the morning of the ride beginning at 6:00 a.m. at site staging.
Organized by The Childrens CenterThe Childrens Center is a private, non-profit pediatric hospital, dedicated to helping children with medical and physical disabilities maximize their potential in an atmosphere of love and hope.
Ticket Info: - Early Registration, $25.00
- Donation (optional), Free
- Registration, $30.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/254693796/upcoming