INVITATION: SYSCO extends an invitation to all interested skippers and crew to attend this pre-race tune-up and race clinic. SYSCO promotes one design and level class yacht racing. To encourage their introduction to yacht racing, novice sailors are specifically invited to participate.
DESCRIPTION: A Thursday evening chalkboard session will include updates for the 2009 OCSA Course Charts, discussions of basic rules, protests, and local racing conditions. Experienced skippers will be available to share racing knowl- edge. On Friday evening, an on-the-water session will feature several practice starts together with a round-the-buoy practice race to the finish. Experienced skippers will be available for onboard assistance.
ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRUCTIONS: All skippers and their crew are invited to attend. SYSCO membership is not required; however, SYSCO membership applications will be available for those interested in becoming members. Races shall be governed by the current ISAF 'Racing Rules Of Sailing' including the national prescriptions of US Sailing, as modified by the OCSA Sailing Instruc- tions, applicable level or one design rules, and the supplemental instructions of this clinic.
Thursday, March 26, - Chalkboard sessions at 1830 hours
Friday, March 27 - On the water session at 1800 hours
LOCATION: The location of the chalkboard session will be Rose City Yacht Club. Friday’s on the water session will be conducted in the vicinity of mark 'C' as designated by the OCSA Alphabetic Course Chart.
Official Website:
Added by Robert Neild on February 5, 2009