Otto Reuchlinweg 996
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 3072 MD

On the 9th of December EUREOS is organizing an inspiring symposium on Individual and Organizational Creativity & Innovation. This day will take you on a journey from the inventor and his invention to the commercialization process of an innovation. A selected group of students who worked on two research projects and made this event possible will present their results on the topics: “what makes an inventor” and “what makes an innovative firm”.

Besides, the programme of contains inspiring speakers shedding light on the different aspects of innovation and creativity. Think of Deloitte Innovation, Mr. Roosegaarde (known from e.g. sustainable dance floor and TEDx) and SME’s nominated for different innovation awards. In addition, the municipal councilor of Innovation, Labor market and Higher education of Rotterdam will open the symposium. The day will end with a panel discussion touching upon topics like sustainable innovation, innovative activity in small vs. large firms, innovation in the harbor of Rotterdam and Knowledge sharing.

During the day there will be enough possibilities to socialize and broaden your network while enjoying a drink and bite.

Official Website:

Added by Mikhail Krasnotsvetov on November 30, 2010