401 Broad St
Nevada City, California 95959

By A.R. Gurney
Directed by Nancy Carlin

This play repeats every week from March 5 to April 12 the following days and times:

Thursdays 7 p.m., Fri & Sat 8 p.m., Sun Matinee 2 p.m
Call our box office for more information 530-265-8587

Kate and Greg have a rock-solid marriage, until Greg brings home a girl he picked up in the park. The new girl is tough competition, even though she sheds, drools, chews shoes, sniffs crotches and has fleas! This outrageous comedy about a dog and her man is one of our most popular shows ever!

Official Website: http://www.foothilltheatre.org

Added by TheFoothill Theatre Company on January 29, 2009