Hey Portlanders! If you're going to SXSW, let's get together in Austin for coffee before the second full day of panels.
Official Website: http://pdxwi.com/
Added by duvander on January 4, 2008
Calling all vegetarians/vegans - Jo's makes the most unbelievably good vegan BBQ sandwich. It is not to be missed. I'm a former Austin resident and lived on these things.
I'll be there!
Not sure vegan BBQ is my fave at 8:30am, but coffee is a must.
Sounds awesome, I'll let the rest of our group know.
Don't forget that time springs forward in the very early AM on Sunday, so we'll be an hour ahead.
Wowzers it's early now and this meeting is like all the more early. Like really early. It's late right now, so if I don't make it - hope it was fun!
It was a good group, about ten. I imagine late parties and time change worked against the rest of ya'll. I hope to see/meet you elsewhere soon!
Great idea, Adam. I wish I could be there this year. Have fun!