Each year, strangers from around the higher education sector (and now the twittersphere) run rampant on Austin's infamous 6th street during SXSWi. Catch up with your colleagues in the education sector and make new friends at the 3rd Annual High Ed Meetup/Tweetup this year at Buffalo Billiards.
Also be sure and attend Brad J Ward and Dylan Wilbanks panel on the "The Web In Higher Education: What's Different?" this year at SXSWi.
Added by Vagabond by Nature on February 27, 2009
Which is the 'official', this one or Dylan's at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1900669/ ?
THIS ONE is the official one. unfortunately I can't delete the other one because people have signed up.
i will be there!
Sounds great.
Can't wait!