Anyways, there’s some decent discussion happening around the blogging world about how blog networks should pay bloggers. Some good discussion. Hell, it’s great discussion. Stirring up good ideas, which is great for network owners as well as bloggers. All good stuff.
In order to further this, we’ll be doing a blog network get-together at South By Southwest (SXSW: in a few weeks. Some of the b5 crew’ll be there for the Interactive portion (ie: 9-13th). So we’re inviting anyone interested in doing some more brainstorming to join us. I know the 451press guys are coming. I’m hoping some of the 9rules crew will come as well. If you’re a network owner, blogger or just feel you have something valuable to add, you’re invited. We’ll likely do it on the 11th, as that’ll give us some time to scope out a spot. Probably around 7:00pm.
Some potential topics of conversation:
* Better ways to pay bloggers
* Infrastructure requirements of a growing blog network
* How to sell ads in today’s online ad environment
* Challenges of 2007
* Ways to collaborate (or not)
And who knows what else. Feel free to add to the potential subject list (hell, if someone wants to setup a wiki somewhere that’d be cool too). I’m not expecting this to be a big deal. I’d be surprised if more than a dozen folk showed up. It’s just that it’s rare to have so many blog network folk in the same town, and the least we can do is some sharing, whinging and drinking while we’re there ;-)
If it helps, b5′ll pay for a reasonable amount of alcohol and snacks for everyone since we’re hosting :-)
Official Website:
Added by abrazell on February 27, 2007
I'll be there.
Sorry guys, we've got a bunch of 9rules members up for SXSW Web Awards, and Avalonstar Bowling is run by Bryan Veloso (in 9rules). I'd say that this could be more of a daytime thing since evening events are usually schedule pretty far in advance.
I agree Mike. I think everything is still pretty tentative so if you have a good time, go ahead and suggest it.
Yep, this was just tossing it out. If anyone has a better time/place/date, we're totally open :)
I'm looking to share a room and expenses with someone if interested.
Jim: Ping David Krug, he might be willing :)
I'll be there too.
This sounds awesome. It might conflict with the Avalonstar Bowling or the Web Awards though.