585 Wells St.
Atlanta, Georgia 30312

Swing it hard with a live jazz band in a 100 year old textile mill! Live Swing music will be provided by the Etowah Jazz Society, an 18 piece big band! After the dancers have given the band a good workout, some of Atlanta's best Jazz DJs will take the helm at midnight.

If you don't want to dance, but just want to listen to some awesome live classic Jazz, you will still have an amazing night.

Info: http://www.aseda.org/springintoswing/dance.php

Dance Schedule: Saturday, March 14

8:00pm - 9:00pm Beginner lesson (included in admission)
9:00pm - 12:00am Dance to a live band
12:00am - 2:00am Late night Swing with a DJ

Admission is free for paid attendees of the Swing dancing workshop earlier on Saturday.

The Band: Etowah Jazz Society

The Etowah Jazz Society (EJS) is a big band formed in April of 2002 by a group of dedicated local area musicians who love to perform a wide variety of music, ranging from Big Band-era classics and jazz standards.

The band's repertoire contains over 135 charts, so there will be no end to the swinging sounds eminating from the band stand

EJS is a charitable not-for-profit 501c3 organisation with the purpose of bringing the big band sound and jazz as a musical style to North Georgia.

The Venue: Ambient+Studio

With a 10,500 square foot hard wood floor, balcony sitting area and 200 feet of windows, this 100 year old former textile mill has lots of a cool atmosphere.

Security will be provided for the parking area.

Contact: dances@aseda.org

Official Website: http://www.aseda.org/springintoswing/dance.php

Added by ASEDA.org Swings on March 8, 2009

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