13-23 Legion Pl
Whippany, New Jersey 07981

8:30 - 12:00 Swing Dance Party including:
• 8:40 free Swing Basics lesson,
• cheese & crackers, crudités, cookies, pumpkin pie, anniversary cake, refreshments
• dancing on a huge chandelier-lit wood ballroom floor to DJ'd and LIVE music with nationally-renown Boilermaker Jazz Band.

No partner and no dance experience needed.

WORKSHOPS [tentative]:
6:30 - 900 Swing V: Lindy Hop & Partner Charlestons with NYC's Nathan Bugh (Prereq: Swing III & IV or like experience + permission)

See http://njswing.com/lessons.htm for details, pricing, and prepaid and bundle discount information.

Official Website: http://njswing.com/lessons.htm

Added by NJMarkB on April 30, 2010

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