5511 Lynn Rd.
Tampa, Florida 33624


Swami Mukundananda, the founder of Jagadguru Kripalu Yog (JKY), will deliver a Lecture on the philosophy of Yoga, elucidating how Yoga can be interwoven into our life-style. The One Hour Lecture will begin sharp at 10:30 AM. Just walk into the Yoga-Pond studio…entry is Free…


Yoga is an ancient Vedic-science. It is a life-style. It is consciousness. Yoga is much more than asanas and Pranayam or even Samadhi and turiyavastha. Yoga is pure joy, spiritual Bliss, Love, surrender, selflessness, tears of joy and much more. And although the west knows mostly about the Aṣṭāṅga and Sāṁkhya yoga (and their modern variants), there are other Yoga disciplines revealed in the Texts which are much more ancient or rather timeless Vedic Scriptures.

The Aṣṭāṅga yoga addresses the Body and a superficial part of mind. But in reality, the living entity is neither the body nor mind. Body and Mind are only two outer covering over the soul. An eternal soul, travels through various bodies until it realizes itself and starts the journey into the eternity.

• The journey of Pure Consciousness, Knowledge and Love:

The life cannot be lived in bits and pieces, it should be unbroken and so also should the life-style be; Continuous and unbroken. JKY enunciates a life-style that intertwines the yoga in our normal and day to day activities. Making the very life a yoga. One doesn’t have to do yoga, the yoga happens by itself, but before reaching this point, there has to be a particular sadhana to be done of training our limited mind and consciousness. Quite like learning to ride a bicycle, initially it takes total involvement but once trained, it seems effortless.

JKY enunciates finer and practicable means to interweave this ‘Union Divine' into our normal activities. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, who is Fifth Universal Guru in past five-thousand years, has from the Vast Vedic Encyclopedia, calibrated a very simple way to connect the human consciousness to the Cosmic Being. Synthesizing various ancient yoga schools such as Aṣṭāṅga yoga, Dhyān yoga, Sāṁkhya yoga, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has revealed a very simple and practicable yet very authentic and effective life-style to interlace the Yoga into our daily activities.

Swami Mukundananda, one of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj’s senior disciples would give a short lecture on this science, dealing with effective and practicable yoga in the modern age.

Swami Mukundananda has been preaching this science across the globe since more than past twenty-five years. Having renounced a highly covetable material life in early-twenties for embracing spirituality and a journey towards Eternity, Swamiji searched throughout India for the Guru, the One, who could take him beyond the reach of Mind and Matter, the one, who could teach him the purpose of Life, the mystery of creation, the Creator, karma, psychology of subconscious mind, Nature of Atma, and means to unshackle from the ego.

Finally, after a search for six years, Swamiji met his Guru, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Swamiji, then studied, the Vedic Science and other philosophies at the Lotus-Feet of his beloved Guru. And since then, he has been preaching across the Globe, changing lives of tens of thousands of souls.

We sincerely invite you and request you to bring along your friends and relatives to this Lecture and other events to be organized through the week in Tampa neighborhood.

• Venue: ‘The Lotus-Pond’, 6201 Lynn Rd., Tampa, FL 33625
• Contact: Shreya Bhat: (972) 527 6195

• Web-Page: http://jkyog.org/events_tampa2.html

It is pertinent enough to add here that Swami Mukundananda is currently on a 4 Month US Tour, and His Holiness will be in Florida (Tampa and Orlando) for six days, i.e. between 12th-17th September. He is also to conduct a Free Yoga-Meditation Session and Lecture series viz., ‘The Path To Happiness’. There also are other two venues where Swami Mukundananda would deliver Lectures on two other core subjects viz., ‘The Science of God Realization’ and ‘Science & Spirituality’. All these Events are Free. Please visit the official website-http://jkyog.org/events.html for more information as to venues and timings of these events.

Thanking You,


JKY Volunteers.

Official Website: http://jkyog.org/events_tampa2.html

Added by NS Dās on September 3, 2009

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