Purpose: Our first meeting of 2006 will be an election meeting where we fill our board of directors for the year 2006. All positions are up for election: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to three Directors-at-Large. The 2005 President (Alan J. Hall) will not be running for office and will become the Past-President for the 2006 term.
So this is a great time for Young Republicans to become accustomed with the responsibilities and leadership development of working a political club as you expand your political career. Let us know if you are interested in this new opportunity. Open to Republicans, age 18 to 40, and are a dues-paying member of the club. Terms last one year.
Secondary Purpose: This meeting will also focus on the upcoming State Party Convention which takes place right here in San Jose in late February at the Fairmont. We will go over details on the proposed hospitality suite we will be having.
Tertiary Purpose: We just loves ta eat and have a good time. :-)
NOTE: We have just confirmed that Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Dolores Carr will speak to our group. She is running for District Attorney for Santa Clara County in 2006! Submitted by Eventful on behalf of dano
Added by evdb on December 11, 2005