Svikriti - Exhibition of the works of Award Winners 2009. This exhibition includes paintings, drawings, graphics and sculptures, a total of sixty seven works by seven promising young artists, who were earlier honored with awards in Annual Exhibition held in January, 2009. Annual Exhibition is an all India basis affair and selection basis exhibition and awards are given in six categories - Contemporary Painting(Oil), Contemporary Painting(Water Colour/Mixed Media), Indian Traditional style of Painting, Drawing, Graphic and Sculpture, every year we hold an exhibition titled Award Winners / 'Svikriti' with the recent works of the winners. The participants in the 'Award Winners Exhibition 2009 (Svikriti) ' are Amlan Dutta(Painting - Oil), Anupam Das (Painting - Mixed Media), Avijit Mukherjee(Drawing), Harjit Saha(Indian Traditional Style of Painting), Debashree Das(Graphic), Sujit Kumar Karan & Manjushree Chakraborty(Shared in Sculpture).
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Added by buzzintown india on August 6, 2009