Perspectives from a Serial Intrepreneur:
Chuck House
Executive Director, Stanford MediaX
Join us as Chuck House reflects on interpreneurship at HP, Intel, and a range of innovative Silicon Valley companies, over a career which spans three decades and beyond.
HP Phenomenon is the working title for a new book by Chuck and his co-author, Ray Price. Having spent 29 years at Hewlett-Packard, playing a wide variety of roles in a number of divisions, Chuck understands the HP phenomenon, as well as the Silicon Valley phenomenon, better than most.
Chuck House is Executive Director of MediaX, Stanford University's Industry Affiliate research program on media and technology. As a senior research scholar, Chuck is continuing his work in technology-enabled communications, collaboration, and community.
Chuck has provided leadership roles at Silicon Valley companies ranging from HP to Intel (Virtual Collaboratory), Dialogic (acquired by Intel in 1999), Spectron Microsystems (sold to Texas Instruments), Veritas Software (during IPO period), and Informix Software (during the very successful turnaround years of 1991-1993).
Stints as an IEEE Fellow and a President of ACM, round out a rich and on-going career.
Join us for Chuck's stories and insights gained through decades on the inside track.
Don't miss this stimulating conversation!
Program Schedule
6:00-6:45: Informal networking
6:45-7:15: Opening remarks and Introductions
7:15: Community dinner and Society presentation
7:45: Feature presentation
9:15: Closing
Bayshore Ballroom, Bay Cafe, Palo Alto
1875 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto
(Embarcadero East, past Ming's, turn left into the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course; from the parking lot, walk up the breezeway and the restaurant will be on the right.)
Restaurant direct line: 650-856-0999
There will be a $30 charge.
Drinks are available on a no-host basis.
Please be sure to RSVP at
Need to reach us at the last minute? Call 415-307-0645.
Official Website:
Added by SVII Innovation Society on June 27, 2008