Bipul Sinha: Partner - Lightspeed Venture Partners
Brian Wong: CEO - Kiip
Andrew Schneider: President - LiveGamer
Chethan Ramachandran: CEO - Playnomics
RSVP: http://meetup.com/svforum-websig [Note - RSVP early, this event fills up quickly]
Topic Description:
Call it "Game Commerce", "$G" Commerce, "Gee!" Commerce, or virtual goods monetization -- the games ecosystem is in fast forward mode with gazillion new monetization methods and platforms transporting users to new experiences. This market did not exist ten years ago, and today it is estimated to be worth billions of dollars. Games, shopping and sharing now are becoming ubiquitous online, on facebook, and on mobile devices.
With social gaming, new revenue doors have opened up for gaming commerce. People all over are spending time and money on virtual goods: clothes for their characters in online hangouts, virtual pets and pet foods for feeding their online farms, weapons for their fighters in massively-multiplayer games, and presents for their friends in social networking platforms.
Via RockYou 2011:
o Social gamers spend 13 hours per week on social networks and an average of 9.5 hours per week on social games
o Social gamers have made 20 new friends through social gaming
o 24% of players report they have clicked on an ad in a social game and made an online purchase
o Social gamers make frequent purchases in real life, especially on entertainment
Who buys? Who sells? Who benefits from the trade? Our panel will discuss emerging vs. standard platforms, data layers, and packages that can be used to extend the gaming ecosystem online, on Facebook, and mobile.
Official Website: http://www.svforum.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Calendar.eventDetail&eventID=14092&pageId=471
Added by FullCalendar on March 23, 2012