Presenter: Kaliya Hamlin. Known as Identity Woman, in 2005 she co-founded in the world's leading industry forum focused on user-centric digital identity, the Internet Identity Workshop. Seeing the emerging possibility of individuals collecting, managing and gaining value from their personal data generated as they interact with all kinds of digital systems, she founded the Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium in 2010 to catalyze industry development and collaboration. She identifies as a nymwarrior because she was personally affected by Google's insistence she use her real name as the headline on her profile along with others fighting for the right to have different, unlinked persona's, different identifiers for different contexts online.
She is advising the World Economic Forum's Rethinking Personal Data project and last summer presented at the (US) National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace Privacy Workshop.
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Added by FullCalendar on June 15, 2012