Why are we in this hand basket, and where the heck are we going!?
Yes, it's the season to take a look at trends in technology, startups and investing across the complete spectrum- Next Generation, Internet, Clean Tech, Life Sciences, Technology & Media- and peer as far as we can into the future to forecast what might be coming down the pike towards us.
Our illustrious panel of seers and sages will be polishing their crystal balls to give their best interpretations of what they see for 2012, including:
- Which technologies and business models are going to be hot - or not! - in 2012
- Where's the best place for startups to find top talent?
- What's the deal with Super Angels? Are they still trying to put too much money into startups, funding 30 variations of the same theme & driving up valuations? Should you dive in, or stand well back, and how is this going to play out?
- Clean Tech - one quarter it's the number 1 sector for venture capital, the next it's down in the dumps! Are we on a long term roller coaster, or are things going to smooth out?
- Life Sciences - we're hearing rumors that startups prefer to launch products in other countries, as it's just too much hassle to deal with the FDA. What does this mean for LS startups in Silicon Valley?
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Networking and hors d'oeuvres
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm Panel discussion and Q&A
8:15 pm - 8:30 pm Additional networking
Confirmed Speakers:
Todd Kimmel, Mayfield Fund
Ari Levy, Bloomberg
Bipul Sinha, Lightspeed Venture Partners
Moderator: Danielle Naftulin Reed, Cooley Godward
SVForum/SVASE Members: $25, General Public: $59, Platinum Pass: $0
$10 more at the door (does not apply to Platinum Pass Members)
*American Express is no longer accepted at the door
Cooley Godward, LLP
3175 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Registration Link: http://svforum.org/main-event-series
Tweet with us! #SVFfebmainevent @SVForum
Official Website: http://www.svforum.org
Added by FullCalendar on January 24, 2012