379 Lytton Ave
Palo Alto, California 94301

SVASE VC Breakfast Club with Rupam Shrivastava, Vice President Silicon Valley office, ePlanet Ventures
Start: 02/04/2010 - 8:00am
End: 02/04/2010 - 9:30am

Contact Info:
Jai Kumar Email: jai@vigyana.com
Cell: 408-406-4693

Location: Townsend, Townsend and Crew LLP
379 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301


ePlanet Ventures, www.eplanetventures.com
ePlanet Ventures seeks to provide superior returns to its investors by making private equity investments on a global basis in companies where the application of innovation in technology and/or business models has the potential to create high-growth, category-dominant companies. Founded in 1999, ePlanet Ventures pioneered the development of a true global venture capital business model and was the first venture capital firm that utilized a global model with offices in Asia, Europe and the United States.

The Company has developed a fully integrated network of offices located in Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangalore, New Delhi, London and Silicon Valley, as well as a presence in Hong Kong, Seoul, and Tokyo. With its global footprint of local offices in key centers of innovation and venture capital activity, ePlanet is well positioned to source, evaluate and compare attractive global venture capital investment opportunities, and has been one of the leaders in promoting the cross-border migration of technological innovation, business models and entrepreneurship. ePlanet's geographical breadth enables it to identify and assess innovation as it develops around the globe, and to collaboratively compare each potential investment's utility, investment merits, addressable markets and likely adoption rates. The Firm is focused on business environments suitable for the creation of category-dominant companies such as: (i) very fast growing emerging sectors, where a company can achieve dominance in its market segment; (ii) established technology markets, where the pace of innovation and change is accelerating, and within which new start-up companies can thrive; and (iii) businesses with high gross margins in large markets.

Rupam Shrivastava, Vice President Silicon Valley office, ePlanet Ventures
Prior to joining ePlanet, Mr. Shrivastava was an investment banker at Dresdner Kleinwort in New York focusing on mergers and acquisitions in the automotive, aerospace, defense, and healthcare sectors. Prior to that, Mr. Shrivastava was a consultant to Robert Bosch in Germany for the development of energy efficient automobiles. He has also worked at the Technical University of Munich for the development of battery efficient cell phones.

He holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi where he was awarded the Director’s Silver Medal for graduating at the top of his program.

When: Thursday, February 4, 20108 – 9:30 AM
Location: Townsend, Townsend and Crew LLP, 379 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301

Pre-Registered Rates:
Members - $25; Affiliates who advertise this event - $39; General Public - $49.

This event is intended for entrepreneurs seeking feedback on their startup ideas and funding strategies. Please do not register if you do not fit this profile.

This event is co-sponsored by Townsend, Townsend and Crew, www.townsend.com.

Official Website: http://www.svase.org/?q=node/4026

Added by svaseinfo on January 22, 2010

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