379 Lytton Ave
Palo Alto, California 94301

SVASE VC Breakfast Club with Jay Boddu of Sofinnova Ventures, focus on Life Sciences and Information Technology

WHAT: VC Breakfast Club with Jay Boddu of Sofinnova Ventures, focus on Life Sciences and Information Technology

WHEN: Thu May 1st from 8:00am – 9:30am

WHERE:Townsend, Townsend & Crewe
379 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301-1431,

CONTACT:Jai Kumar, Program Chair, jai@vigyana.com Cell: 408-406-4693


COST: $25 SVASE Members; $39 Affiliates; $49 Non-members. This event is for ENTREPRENEURS ONLY, BY PREREGISTRATION ONLY.

This event is co-sponsored by Townsend, Townsend and Crewe, www.townsend.com.

VC Breakfast Club: Jay Boddu of Sofinnova Ventures

Sofinnova Ventures
At Sofinnova Ventures we are company builders who work with our entrepreneurs as a team. Founded in 1974, our firm invests venture capital in early-stage Life Science and Information Technology startup companies. Our mission is to provide entrepreneurs with the resources, experience and skill sets necessary to grow early-stage companies into great businesses.

Sofinnova Ventures combines extensive venture capital experience with deep technical, startup and operational management. We are experienced entrepreneurs, having founded, operated, acquired, sold, and taken public companies in our operational careers. We run Sofinnova Ventures itself in an aggressive, smart, entrepreneurial fashion.

While our primary value to entrepreneurs is our experience and the active, company-building help we offer, we also offer global experience and market acceleration to our entrepreneurs.We’ve helped entrepreneurs build companies in desktop software, embedded systems, client-server, distributed network computing, internet, and software as a service. Our earliest portfolio companies started shipping software on floppy disks and today we’re investors in pioneering companies in on-demand computing. We’ve seen everything from shrink-wrap licenses to enterprise-wide "big deals" to subscription pricing; from direct sales to highly-leveraged channel strategies.

Working with Sofinnova Ventures begins with your promising idea and then turns into a collaborative process in which we evaluate and help you establish your vision, technologies, product, markets and team members.

Jay Boddu
Jay Boddu joined Sofinnova Ventures as a Kauffman Venture Fellow in 2007. Jay brings over fifteen years of product development, management leadership, and operating experience to the firm.

Jay joined Sofinnova from Juniper Networks Inc., where he managed the $125 million/year Security Gateway platform business. As an early employee at Juniper, Jay led the architecture and implementation of key networking technologies that are incorporated in virtually all core and access routing platforms developed by Juniper today. Jay was instrumental in bringing to market the J-series product line that drove Juniper’s entry into the $3.5 billion/year enterprise routing market. He is also credited with numerous initiatives at Juniper including an enterprise Voice-over-IP effort that culminated in a joint product development partnership program with Avaya Inc.

Prior to Juniper, Jay held key technical positions at Sun Microsystems, Amdahl Corporation, ATI Research, and venture funded start-ups. Within these companies, Jay was responsible for developing market leading products including SuperSparcTM and UltraSparcTM RISC microprocessors, MpactTM multi-media processors.

Jay received a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Iowa State University and an MBA from Santa Clara University. He has 14 patents pending or approved and three international publications.

Jay can be reached at (415) 228-3399 or jay@sofinnova.com.

"This event is intended for entrepreneurs seeking feedback on their startup ideas and funding strategies. Please do not register if you do not fit this profile."

Official Website: http://www.svase.org/?q=node/1392

Added by svaseinfo on April 24, 2008

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