200 Page Mill Rd,
Palo Alto, California

Start: 12/10/2009 - 8:00am
End: 12/1/2009 - 9:30am

Contact Info:
JaiKumar Email: jai@vigyana.com
Cell: 408-406-4693

Nixon Peabody LLP 200 Page Mill Road, Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA 94306-2022


Storm Ventures, www.stormventures.com
Storm Ventures was founded by a seasoned group of industry veterans with the common vision of sharing our collective experience, passion and energy to help talented and driven entrepreneurs build great companies of enduring value. With over $500 million under management, Storm Ventures focuses on seed and early stage information technology companies which best leverages our operational experience and global network. Our limited partners include many prominent financial institutions, as well as over a hundred senior executives who have had successful careers in technology companies.

Bill Shetti, Sr. Associate, Storm Ventures
Bill is a Senior Associate at Storm Ventures. He focuses on investments in cloud computing, energy efficiency, and the network and data center infrastructure sectors.

Prior to Storm, Bill worked in business development and product management at Cisco, where he was responsible for managing Cisco’s high end routing platforms, including launching Cisco CRS-1, Cisco’s flagship router, and market insertion strategies into Asian service providers.

Prior to Cisco, Bill worked as a product manager at N.E.T. Bill began his career at Telecordia, where he was responsible for leading the development of distributed systems in managing networks, and advising service providers on networking operations.

Bill received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers University, and a M.S. in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon.

WHEN: Thursday, December 128 – 9:30 AM
LOCATION: Nixon Peabody LLP, 200 Page Mill Road, Suite 200, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Members - $25; Affiliates who advertise this event - $39; General Public - $49.

This event is intended for entrepreneurs seeking feedback on their startup ideas and funding strategies. Please do not register if you do not fit this profile.

This event is co-sponsored by Nixon Peabody, www.nixonpeabody.com.

Official Website: http://www.svase.org/?q=node/3658

Added by svaseinfo on November 14, 2009

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