SVASE SV: Angels Vs. VCs
Start: 09/23/2008 - 11:45am
End: 09/23/2008 - 1:30pm
Contact Info: Charles Anderson
Location: DLA Piper, 2000 University Ave
East Palo Alto, CA94303-2214
11:45-12:00 Registration, Networking and Food
12:00-12:15 SVASE/Startup-U Overview, Introductions, Speaker Intros
12:15-1:15 Interactive Mashup-U Program
1:15-1:30 Networking with the presenters!
With your help, we will start on time so the speaker can provide you with as much interactive information as possible.
Please arrive by 11:45am to register. We will start the program promptly at 12:00!
Please note topics are subject to change.
Popular FAQs regarding Startup-U:
What is the cost of this event?
A $5 (member) or $15 (affiliate/non-member) registration fee, plus a $1.50 credit card processing fee, includes event and lunch, available through advanced online registration. A $10 or $20 fee is collected at the door.
What is the format of a Startup-U event typically?
Generally speaking, each event begins with an introduction by the host followed by a brief talk about SVASE and self-introductions by each of the attendees. After the introductions, the host introduces a speaker (usually 20 minute presentation, followed by group discussion) or the discussion topic; the exact format varies based on the host and that variety is what makes this event so exciting!
Who should attend?
Startup entrepreneurs, anyone thinking about forming a startup, service providers, angels and VCs active in the Silicon Valley information tech and biotech entrepreneur communities. Past participants include:
Current and aspiring entrepreneurs
Venture Capitalists, Angels and other members of the funding community
Service Providers (e.g. human resources, contract programming, etc.)
Independent Consultants (e.g. sales, marketing, engineering, etc.)
Do I need to be a member of SVASE to attend this event?
Non-members and guests of members are welcome to attend any 2 SVASE Startup-U events. Afterwards, we recommend that non-members become members of SVASE. For more information on the benefits of joining SVASE, please visit our website at or alternatively, you can also join at the event itself.
This event is co-sponsored by DLA Piper,
Official Website:
Added by svaseinfo on August 2, 2008