801 California Street
Mountain View, California 94041

SVASE StartUp-U SV: Due Diligence - what to expect!

Start: 06/24/2008 - 11:45am
End: 06/24/2008 - 1:30pm
Contact Info:
Fenwick & West LLP, 801 California Street,
Mt. View, California 94041

Charles Anderson
Email: canderson@casecentral.com
URL: www.svase.org/?q=node/739

11:45-12:00 Registration, Networking and Food
12:00-12:15 SVASE/Startup-U Overview, Introductions, Speaker Intros
12:15-1:15 Interactive Mashup-U Program
1:15-1:30 Networking with the presenters!

With your help, we will start on time so the speaker can provide you with as much interactive information as possible.

Please arrive by 11:45am to register. We will start the program promptly at 12:00!

Due Diligence - what to expect!

So an investor has expressed interest, and now wants to conduct "Due Diligence." What exactly does this mean, what do they expect from you, and what are some of the mistakes that can cause major headaches?

How capable are the management team & how trustworthy are they? Are the acheievements in their resumes real, or have they been "gilding the lilly?"

How does their business fare in Alsop’s formula?

Success = Q + I + S + M – P , where

Q = Quality – does it provide the level of quality people want?
I = Innovation – does it do what people want?
S = Smarts – does the company understand how to communicate & deliver to the customer?
M = Money – can they attract funding?
P = Pain – what is the company asking the customer to go through for the product to work?

Are there any legal problems that raise red flags, and can they raise a new round or get to break even before the money runs out?

All the above - and more! - will come up during Due Diligence by potential investors, so it's smart to know what they'll be looking for, before they uncover something that can nix the deal.

Official Website: http://www.svase.org/?q=node/739

Added by svaseinfo on May 29, 2008