950 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304

In recent quarters there has been a flood of investments in biomedical companies, reshaping the landscape long dominated by software, semiconductors, the Internet and telecomm. And many VCs seem to be jumping on the ?digital living room? band wagon, while others are pounding on the doors of viral breakouts like HotorNot and Meebo. Do these moves define the trends for 2006, or are there other influences at work?

Will your startup be Hot, or Not, in the coming year?

This lively panel discussion will explore current trends and panelist opinions on topics including:
? How much money is sitting on the sidelines, waiting to be invested
? Where in the world will it go ? Silicon Valley, India, China, somewhere else?
? How much will be available for seed and early stage investments?
? What will be the Hot market segments?
? What will be the Hot applications within these segments?
? Where will your money be going?
The Panel:
Susan Mason, Partner, Onset Venture
Barry Eggers, Partner, Lightspeed Ventures
Doug Hickey, Partner, Hummer Winblad
Warren Packard, Managing Director, Draper, Fisher, Jurvetson

Moderator: Ed Lambert, SVP, Bridge Bank

Thursday, January 5, 2006
6.00-7.00 pm: Networking and Hors d?oeuvres
7.00-8:30 pm: Panel discussion and Q/A

To reserve an Exhibit Table contact Info@svase.org, $500 Members, $1,000 Non-members. (Includes a one-year corporate membership, exhibit table and 2 tickets to the event).

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR Campus)
950 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

PRE-REGISTERED RATES (All Rates Include Hors D?oeuvres)
Members - $20; Affiliates who advertise this event - $29; General Public - $49

WALK-IN RATES: Add $10.00 to the listed price

Added by svaseinfo on December 20, 2005

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