SVASE Event: 'Startup-U SV: First Customers: Targeting The Right Customers To Build And Sustain Your Business With John Witchel Of Prosper'
Event: 'Startup-U SV: First Customers: Targeting The Right Customers To Build And Sustain Your Business With John Witchel Of Prosper'
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 At 11:45
Duration: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Contact Info:
Offices of Pillsbury Winthrop, LLP 2475 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304-1114 Charles Anderson Email:
Come participate in this fantastic panel discussion with John Witchel and a distinguised member of the investment community while we discuss critical issues that you will face during stealth, alpha, beta and release modes...and beyond.
* What is the value of a friends-and-family round... of product release?
* How can I measure the value of early-adopter input?
* My offering is so unique that there aren't any salespeople with experience in this product; what can I do?
* Some competitors have come on the scene since I launched my beta; how should that affect my strategy?
* I think I've gotten all I can out of the beta users - and it's been positive. Am I ready for wide release?
Join our stellar Investor/Entrepreneur panel on September 25th for a hard-hitting discussion on how to evaluate and approach this critical element of starting, building and eventually funding your entrepreneureal venture.
The Panel:
Entrepreneur Speaker
John Witchel, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of Prosper
Mr. Witchel is a veteran entrepreneur whose expertise in massively scaleable architectures and high-performance computing helped spawn a number of successful start-up companies.
As a technology visionary, he is responsible for the breakthrough phenomenon of FlashMob Supercomputing, a massive computing collaboration designed to make supercomputing available to the masses.
Prior to co-founding Prosper, Mr. Witchel developed BrowserCam, a patent-pending online tool for testing the cross-browser compatibility of websites. He was also CEO and co-founder of Red Gorilla, a pioneer in online application syndication. Prior to Red Gorilla, he founded XCom Corporation, a leading web consultancy that was acquired by USWeb/CKS, where Mr. Witchel served as a managing partner.
He holds a M.S. from the University of San Francisco and a B.A. in political science from Stanford University. He is a former American record holder and NCAA champion in swimming.
Investment (VC/Angel) Speaker
To Be Announced
Charles Anderson, CaseCentral
Charles Anderson is Director of the Silicon Valley Startup-U Program and works for CaseCentral.
11:45-12:00 Registration, Networking and Food
12:00-12:15 SVASE/Startup-U Overview, Introductions, Speaker Intro
12:15-1:15 Speaker Presentation & Interactive Q&A
1:15-1:30 Networking with the presenters!
With your help, we will start on time so the speaker can provide you with as much interactive information as possible.
Please arrive by 11:45am to register. We will start the program promptly at 12:00!
------------------------------------------------------------Popular FAQs regarding Startup-U:
What is the cost of this event?
A $5 (member) or $15 (affiliate/non-member) registration fee, plus a $1.50 credit card processing fee, includes event and lunch, available through advanced online registration. A $10 or $20 fee is collected at the door.
What is the typical format of a Startup-U event?
Generally speaking, each event begins with an introduction by the host followed by a brief talk about SVASE and self-introductions by each of the attendees. After the introductions, the host introduces a speaker (usually 20 minute presentation, followed by group discussion) or the discussion topic. The exact format varies based on the host; variety is what makes this event so exciting!
Who should attend?
Startup entrepreneurs, anyone thinking about forming a startup, service providers, angels and VCs active in the Silicon Valley information tech and biotech entrepreneur communities. Past participants include:
* Current and aspiring entrepreneurs
* Venture Capitalists, Angels and other members of the funding community
* Service Providers (e.g. human resources, contract programming, etc.)
* Independent Consultants (e.g. sales, marketing, engineering, etc.)
Do I need to be a member of SVASE to attend this event?
Non-members and guests of members are welcome to attend any 2 SVASE Startup-U events. Afterwards, we recommend that non-members become members of SVASE. For more information on the benefits of joining SVASE, please visit our website at can also join at the event itself.
What if I have more questions?
Please contact the Host for this event: Charles Anderson, at
This event is co-sponsored by Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP,
*please note that the topic is subject to change
Official Website:
Added by svaseinfo on August 11, 2007