3175 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, California

Event: 'LifeScience BIG - Capitalizing On The BioMedical Wave'

Business Interface Groups ? where Business & Technology collide!
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 At 05:30
Duration: 3 Hours
Contact Info:
LOCATION: Cooley Godward, 3175 Hanover Street, Palo Alto. PROGRAM CHAIR: Dr Sudhi Gautum Email: sudhi@medtechbridge.com
URL: www.svase.org/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=149&extmode=view&extid=360

Investments in Life Science companies are at an all-time high and with this sector poised to be the next Big Wave ? how can Life Science Entrepreneurs capitalize on the BioWave? Silicon Valley is riding high and emerging as the most innovative global BioCluster and convergence hotspot. What does this opportunity mean for Valley bioentrepreneurs? What are the key opportunities ? and challenges! - during such upbeat times?

Our team of experienced panelists will discuss the ?morphology? and dimensions of the current Biomedical Wave and how entrepreneurs in biotech, Medical Device and the other Life Science companies can best capitalize on this advantageous position. These people from the trenches will share the lessons they have learned in the process of founding companies; from concept to Series A and beyond into the markets and the (Wall) streets.

This event will promote direct interactions between Bioentrepreneurs and investors in the form of a Tech Showcase where entrepreneurs can make a 4 minute pitch and also interact with investors early on. Entrepreneurs may bring their dreams, pitches and one a page summary.

Date: Weds June 21, 2006
Event format:
5.30-6.30 pm Technology Showcase
6.30-8 pm Panel Discussion
8-830 pm 4 minute Pitches

To reserve an Exhibit Table
Contact Info@svase.org, $500 Members, $1,000 Non-members.

Cooley Godward, 3175 Hanover Street, Palo Alto

PRE-REGISTERED RATES (All Rates Include Hors D?oeuvres)
Members - $20; Affiliates who advertise this event - $29;General Public - $49

WALK-IN RATES: Add $10.00 to the listed price

Added by svaseinfo on May 2, 2006

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