4500 Oracle Lane, Bldg. G, Conference Center 1,
Pleasanton, CA 94588., California

Event: 'East Bay Series: Global Opportunities And Cautionary Tales'

Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 At 06:00
Duration: 2 Hours
Contact Info:
Dana Shultz Email: dana@danashultz.com
URL: www.danashultz.com

SVASE and RoseRyan present the East Bay Series
"Real-life Stories of Entrepreneurial Success"

Global Opportunities and Cautionary Tales

International markets represent greater sales opportunities for US start-ups than every before. Tapping into this potential requires an appreciation of the differences and risks of each market. Cultural considerations, localization hurdles, regulatory requirements and unreliable rule-of-law make it important to plan and get sound advice before entering the market. Our esteemed panel of successful entrepreneurs, international sales executives, and VCs will speak to their vision for sales in India, Asia Pacific, Israel, and Europe in the next 3 years.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
6-6:30 pm: Networking and Hors d'oeuvres
6:30-8 pm: Panel discussion and Q/A

COST: (Includes Hors d'oeuvres Reception)
Members - $20
Affiliates who advertise this event - $20
General Public - $30
Walk-ins: add $5 to rates above

LOCATION: Oracle Corporation, 4500 Oracle Lane, Bldg. G, Conference Center 1, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Exit I-580 at Hacienda Drive. Go South .1 mile to Owens Drive (first light), Turn right and go .1 mile to Oracle Lane (first light). Turn right and go to the far parking lot, entrance to Building G faces I-580.

This event is co-sponsored by RoseRyan, www.roseryan.com.

Official Website: http://www.danashultz.com

Added by svaseinfo on May 2, 2006

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