525 Middlefield Rd, Ste 250
Menlo Park, California 94025

SVASE Event: 'CXO Leadership Forum: How A Few Good Numbers Can Make You Millions!'

Event: 'CXO Leadership Forum: How A Few Good Numbers Can Make You Millions!'

Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 At 11:30
Duration: 2 Hours
Contact Info:
Venue: Montgomery & Hansen, LLP, 525 Middlefield Road, Suite 250, Menlo Park, California 94025 Voice 650.331.7000. CXO Program Chair: Jim Connor, Tel: 510 655-0900 x202 Email: jconnor@sympro.com
URL: svase.org/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=149&extmode=view&extid=696

Every CEO/CFO needs to articulate the financial picture of their business. Although most entrepreneurs eventually confront or are confronted by the demands of the financial community, you can standout by taking the steps necessary to get ahead of the curve and establish the financial reporting model, the revenue recognition policies and the financial metrics. Creating a financial model that allows you to credibly plan and track results, develop specific ratios and metrics that describe the current operation and the potential to scale operations is a key step in obtaining bank credit and plays a major role in closing funding from investors.

This session will also address the roles and responsibilities of a Full Charge Bookkeeper, a Controller and a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and when to employ each of these financial managers or officers.

This session will specifically address the following issues:

1. I run the company out of my business checkbook. Creating a financial statement is impossible, what should I do to get organized and create a financial reporting model?
2. I am taking to potential investors and they need some financial history of our operations as well as some details on the cost structure and the basis for revenue projections. The financial projections I am giving are just my best guess at this optimistic moment. What should I do?
3. We run on a cash basis, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a cash basis versus an accrual basis in creating our financial statements.
3 . I am deferring salary in order to preserve working capital. I plan to pay myself later, how should I track this obligation of the company
4. What are the primary issues in revenue recognition for technology products verses services such as consulting, technical support and maintenance.
5. I have read that I should declare the value of the intellectual property in my business. How would I go about doing that?
6. I bought some computers for the company, paying cash for them. Do I need to show this equipment as assets or expenses in my financial statements?
7. I started the company and did not really track the money I put into the company, what should I do now to get a correct financial statement of my equity contributions.
8. We are spending a lot of money on development. My CPA commented that I will need to amortize this expense of a couple of years. What are the mechanics of this procedure and what are the effects on our financial reports?
9. We are starting to get some customers and have gained some initial growth traction, what type of metrics can be used to convey the potential growth and profitability of my company to my bank and how should I address the bank’s issues on collateral.
10. It is very difficult to forecast the next quarter, let alone the next year. Why should I go to the effort of creating a financial plan for the next 12 months when I have no idea of how much business we will actually do.
11. When do I need a CFO, when do I need a Controller or a full charge bookkeeper. What are the roles of each and how do they differ?
12. I have been contacted by an interested party for an M&A discussion, should I contract or hire someone to play the CFO role?

This event is a collegial luncheon designed to foster discussion in a confidential format among founders, officers and managers (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO) of startup technology companies. We request that participants be involved in the management of a technology company.

Advance registration only, limited to 25 registrants, no walk-ins admitted.

$20 SVASE members
$119.00 New SVASE Membership, this event and lunch
$29 Affiliates who promote this event
$49 Non-members

This event is co-sponsored by Montgomery and Hansen LLP.

Official Website: http://svase.org/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=149&extmode=view&extid=69

Added by svaseinfo on March 19, 2007